How to Hit the Ground Running Sustainably in 2024
As you have come to learn about me, I don’t know how to go slow. I am a hit-the-ground-running type — on hyperdrive. So, when it comes to hitting the ground running, as you can imagine, I have some things to say.
“Hitting the ground running” at work looks like action, task completion, meetings, reports, signings, and delivering profitable growth. If left to our own devices with our achievement-oriented minds in the driver’s seat, we would place our foot firmly on the gas pedal and just go. Sounds great, right?!
Yet, this mentality has a fatal flaw. And it’s not just burnout, a related challenge we have a lot to say about. For now, though, I want to bring your attention to something even more concerning. Our traditional definition of “hitting the ground running” is only a quarter of what it takes to be successful in driving results. In reality, sustainably delivering results is a four-part equation.
The AROSE SAIL Framework
for Sustainably Driving Results
What insights and data should inform my “hit the ground running” approach and activities?
Who needs to be brought in for us to “hit the ground running”?
Yes, we will take action, but only action that is informed — not just action for action’s sake.
What is there to learn about what has worked and what has changed that should inform our “hit the ground running” approach?
Work that delivers results requires these four elements, and when we over index on the doing, it is a risk to our organization. We might take the wrong action, and not even know it. The actions we take may not be supported, so it can feel like we are pushing people — and experience a lack of pull/effort on the other end. It can feel like running in place, which usually looks like a flat line or decline in performance results.
At AROSE Group, we believe how we start sets the tone for everything. So, let’s engage with a mindset of focused action and an expansiveness of results.
We’ve created a team exercise to help you and your team activate results this year and combat common challenges we hear from our clients like:
“We need stronger accountability.”
“We need better cross-team collaboration.”
“We need to change our incentives.”
“We need to achieve better results this year.”
“Our clients are expecting more from us.”
“We have too many unproductive meetings.”
“We have too many conflicting or shifting priorities.”
If this sounds like you and/or your team, our guided exercise is a great way for your team to truly hit the ground running and sustain it throughout 2024.
Get our complementary exercise to activate results at